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National Specialty 2023

Gray t-shirt with a Fauve and horn graphic design.

Friday, September 15th – National Specialty and Annual Meeting. For those who have never been to either, please consider attending. You don’t have to show your Fauve in conformation. There will be lots to try with your Fauve by learning from trick training or FastCAT (100 yard dash for dogs in a fenced area). Additionally, there will opportunities to learn about grooming. But most of all, enjoy meeting other Fauve lovers and their beloved companions!

Saturday, September 16th – Open Show

Sunday, September 17th – Open Show

Monday, September 18th – Hunt Test/Seminar to be held at the Eastern Missouri Beagle Club

Friday through Sunday there will be FastCAT available––But you need to register the day the entries open due to it filling extremely fast!

Specialty Premium Packet

This downloadable Specialty Premium file contains all the weekend information. It also contains the AKC form to fill out to participate in events.

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